Since the beginning of the year with the spread of the new coronavirus, there has been a need to adapt to a new reality, and the recommendation of health agencies to prevent further spread of the disease is that people stay as long as possible in their homes, exercising social distancing.
In several parts of the planet, several companies have released their employees to work from home, thus maintaining the company’s productivity and functioning, without exposing employees to the risk of contamination.
This article will present some tools that can be used to maintain communication and business productivity in the midst of the pandemic.
Slack is a software focused on productivity in work conversations, making it not necessary to use Whatsapp and the like, avoiding mixing personal conversations with professionals. All communication about a project is done in a single environment, and this tool also integrates with services such as Google Drive, Trello and Office 365.
This application has been well known for some time, and allows its users to make video calls, exchange text messages, share files and screens with other users, etc. It is available for tablets, TV, cell phones and game consoles, in two versions, the free one, which supports up to 20 users, and Skype for Business, which allows a call with up to 250 people.
Trello is a tool for organizing individual or group tasks. Very interactive, this program presents tables, in which the lists of tasks to be performed are placed, all separated in colored cards with deadlines and objectives that must be achieved. It also offers features such as a checklist that indicate important points of the project and colored labels that separate each task by theme, as if they were post its.
It is a project management and collaboration platform that generates reports, controls uptime, and has a chat group. The company responsible for the application has expanded the free version for unlimited use during the coronavirus pandemic.
Toggl is a tool that manages the time invested in each project or client, and is available for PC, Android and iOS. The program does this count automatically, by employee or team. It also generates detailed reports without the need to complete spreadsheets.
Similar to Skype, Zoom allows users to schedule meetings (video and audio meetings), set up conference rooms, even classrooms. It is also integrated with other tools such as Slack, Trello, Microsoft Team and Google.
It is a delicate moment and one of great changes for everyone, but there is no shortage of program options that can support and help companies to maintain their routine and the productivity of their employees, even in the midst of the whole situation.
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